

- Free Trial
- No Risk
- No Test
- Narrated Classes
- 24 Hour Reporting

    Enroll Now Pay Later

    There are many advantages to “Our Enroll Now Pay Later Option.”

    • Allows You To Enroll Today And Take Up To 90 Days To Complete The Course
    • You Don’t Submit Payment Until You’re Ready For Us To Post Your Results To The TDLR.
    • You Are Under No Obligation To Complete Or Pay For The Course If You Choose Not To Finish.

    Thank you for choosing Altus for your Continuing Education needs. To enroll in the class, click on the Enroll Button below, this will take you to the enrollment page.

    About Altus

    We are a community where TDLR licensees, affiliates, and employees gain access to vital information, advice and educational resources that will inspire and motivate them to grow their business.

    Take Up to 90 Days with our “Enroll Now Pay Later Option”
    or Enroll and Pay today and receive 15% off our already low price.

    Use Discount Code “EZL”

    Choose Altus?

    It’s Risk-Free! Besides the “Enroll Now Pay Later Option,” Altus offers much more:

    • 100% Money Back Refund Policy
    • 14 Hour 7 Days a week phone support
    • Fully Narrated Classes
    • 24 Hour TDLR Reporting

    Thank you for choosing Altus for your Continuing Education needs. To enroll in the class, click on the Enroll Button below. This will take you to the enrollment page.

    TDLR Approved Continuing Education for The Texas Electrician

    Free Trial  No Risk  No Test Narrated Classes 24 Hour Reporting

    Licensed Continuing Education For the
    Texas Electrician

    Free Trial No Risk No Test Narrated Classes 24 Hour Reporting

    The Course

    Length: 4 Hours | Format: Internet/Audio/Text
    Course #: 22870
    Cost: $24.95

    This course includes a one-hour class focusing on NFPA 70E,  featuring an Arc Flash Awareness video; also covered are NEC’s Chapter 2 Articles 210 and 215 2017 NEC code changes, Electricians Administrative Rules of the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation 16 Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 73, Electricians Occupations Code Chapter 1305.

    Why Altus?

    Our team has put a lot of effort into creating informative and interesting content for our classes. Instead of having to stare at the screen and read along, our fully narrated class-format allows you the freedom to just listen along to the material. There are no testing requirements, and we report results within 24 hours of your completion (usually the same day). These features alone put us head and shoulders above the competition, but it gets better – if this is your first experience with Altus, try our “Enroll Now Pay Later Option” mentioned above. Our Web Site is the simplest and most user-friendly site in the market. However, should you have any questions or problems, we are here for you, live and in-person, from 8:00 A.M. – 10:00 P.M, 7-Days a week.

    Tell Us Whats On
    Your Mind

    Our goal at Altus is to be the leading information provider for the Texas Electrician. This information ranges from our Continuing Education courses to a variety of How-to articles. We want to partner with you in your journey to success; by helping you cut through the clutter and distractions of running a business in today's business environment. Moreover, to meet this challenge, we need your help. For instance, we need to know your pain points, what questions you have, your goals, and what obstacles you think may prohibit you from reaching these goals. In conclusion, please give us your feedback and let us go to work for you.



    The course was highly informative and accommodating with my schedule. I learned lots of new stuff I was previously unaware of. It’s an ideal course to get the required education. Props to your team!


    This is undoubtedly the best continuing education course I have ever taken. Engaging and valuable content. I’ve been working as an electrical contractor for 12 years and was surprised to learn about many things I didn’t know. I’d recommend all electricians try this. Great stuff!

    Altus Continuing Education, TX